You are a priest of the order of light & fire tasked with eliminating undead on sites were sightings of such creatures have been reporting. 

Your goal is to kill every undead enemy on a level, to advance to the next level. The game ends when the player has finished all levels

The player controls the movement with arrow keys or AWSD, uses the mouse to look around and indicate walking direction and clicks to fire. As for the UI:

  1. The player health bar (bottom-left corner): display the amount of health the player has left
  2. The kill counter (bottom-right corner): displays both the amount of enemies the player has killed so far and the amount the player needs to kill in order to finish the level. 
  3. The crosshair (middle of screen): shows what the player is aiming at, changes to focused appearance when pointing to an enemy. 
  4. The timer (middle top): Shows the time left for the player to finish the level

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